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Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago to Cyndi Corkran

Big thank you for the 5 stars for 'Don't look back'' we tried something new here, set the mood, shock and run tactics. Seriously, as always a thumbs up from you always gives us a lift. Very best wishes Geoff

1 Replies
Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Hello Geoff,
I love the space and wonder in this piece, then moving into a groove of its own; certainly, my pleasure!

Hey Geoff, very interesting composition, "Don't Look Back", your music at 2:34 was quite q shock, wasn't ready for that Musical transition! In fact.....I was drinking a Pint and spilled it!! It actually was a Chocolate Malt, but a Pint sounded so much Cooler & Manly!
Gave you 5 Stars & Likes....Great Music!

Stay Safe Friend, Sport That Mask!!
Art Corey..........

PS, did you know the Broad Jam Member Alan Gillis, he recently passed away, he was a really talented Musician and all around Great Guy!! We use to email each other all the time!! He will be sadly missed!!
I hope some Lonesome Picker will remember me......when I finally meet my Maker!!

1 Replies
Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the stars! Art, always appreciated from you. I did not know about Alan, sad news indeed.

Hey there Geoff, Just heard your tune, "Dreams Edge" really relaxing composition!!
For me...the problem with Meditative Music is, I tend to lose my concentration, Hee Hee!
Gave you 5 Stars & Likes, your music is Quite Good there Dude!! Can I call you dude??
Stay Safe & Wear a Mask, this Covid Crap ain't over yet!!
Art Corey

Hi Geoff--Thank you for listening to "Cherish (orchestral version)" and the stars. I appreciate it! I listened to your "No Way Out". Very interessting, sounds like a movie soundtrack. Great work--the vocals sound a bit like Men at Work.

1 Replies
Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago

My pleasure Jeana "Cherish" is something special, and thank you for the humbling comparison to one of my favourite Aussie bands.

Geoff, another very interesting Jazz piece, "Snake in the Grass"!! Great job, I can almost see that Snake where you step!! 5 Stars & Likes!
Stay Safe and wear that Damn Mask!!!
The Corey's.........

Geoff, "Cold Walk Home' another very Cool tune! Your music is quite sneaky sounding Great Job !!
5 Stars & Likes!
The Corey's...........

Geoff, this is quite interesting! 5 Stars & Likes!!
"No Way Out" very Cool!! Like the voice over stuff!! Again, is that you on the vocals??
Art Corey......

1 Replies
Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago

Yes I have to confess to that along with the bass.

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago to Geoff Martin Preston

Thank you Geoff, for the *****s on Winds, with Peter Schwepker; we appreciate your support!

2 Replies
Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago

Pleasure is all mine Cyndi, enchanting vocal delivery.

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

I appreciate that; thanks again!..xox

Geoff, This is really Cool sounding! This sounds like a T.V. Game Show Theme, very original! 5 Stars & Likes!! Is that you speaking on the composition?? You have that super sexy Island Voice Man !!!
The Corey's............................ .

1 Replies
Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago

Yes it is, I always remember a Bajan Pilot friend of mine using the same line and tone to the passengers after touchdown every time flew we from Andros island and touched down in Nassau. His voice stuck on me. Cheers Geoff

Well it's official we are at the tipping point for the world with climate change!

I have dedicated the first four tracks on my website to my children, released in 1992 by Truetone (Universal Music) they are from the album Subliminal which predicted we would be here. Personally unnerving for me.

2 Replies
Steve Dafoe - Songwriter
over 30 days ago

Unnerving for me too, but more so because of my children and their path forward.

Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago

It is and really unfair for them, living everyday to the full is far from a cliche now.

Hi Geoff--Thank you for your favorable review of "Cherish". I appreciate it! I listened to your "London Town". Excellent all the way around! Nice work.

1 Replies
Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago

My pleasure Jeana, your melodies are captivating and gentle expression on the piano is lovely. Thank you for the 5 stars for London Town and dropping by to listen in. Best wishes Geoff

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago to Geoff Martin Preston

Hi Geoff,
Thank you for the *****s on "Unbearable" with Thierry Coupey! We appreciate you stopping by for a listen:)

1 Replies
Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago

Always a pleasure to listen in, Never disappointed Cyndi

Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago to Randall Mark

Thanks for the 5 stars Randall, always humbling to have touched someone with our compositions. That's what it's all about.

Geoff, if Tom Cruise makes Last Samurai ll, your song, "Two Heavens as One" will be a perfect Shoe-in!! Gave it 5 stars & Likes!! Really nice composition Sir!!
The Corey's...................

1 Replies
Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago

Thanks guys, actually penned the melody to this during a
tour of that mysterious region a couple of years ago. Pre COVID of course

Thanks Geoff for kind review of the "Troubles I've Been". Hard song to listen to given it's stark reality. I appreciate your time!

1 Replies
Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago

That's what makes a great song, it's honest and tells it how it is. Enjoyed it Steve

Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago to Fred Kimmel

Thanks for the kind comments on the review of 'Doomsday Clock' Fred. Really helps me in the final choice for my next album release, best wishes Geoff

Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago to Cyndi Corkran

Thank you again for the 5 Stars for "Casper" Cyndi always great to receive this accolade from you. Best wishes Geoff

1 Replies
Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Hi Geoff,
Love hearing your musical energies; carry on sir!

Hey Geoff, trippy tune Dude!! You weren't High, when composing this little Sonata were you?? 5 Stars & Likes......Really like it!! Something very different, Great Job!!
Art C Fart C....
Over & Out..........

4 Replies
Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago

Thanks guys, more memories of being high which still linger, inspiration must still be tapping the last strands of corrupted DNA! Ha ha. Really appreciate your kind words as usual. Take care always. Geoff

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Geoff, we are hearing Bad JuJu about the new Variant there in the UK, is it as severe as the Nightly News is making it out to be??
Art Corey............

Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago

The scientists say it's too early to assess the risk so it's a bit premature to speculate as the media loves to do. The symptoms seem to be more like a typical cold. I'll stay in the studio , more fun and a pretty sterile environment. We are all wearing masks around the desk.

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Hey Geoff, better to be safe and wait and see what's up with the Variants?? What's it called now, Covid 19 Super-Plus with a twist of Lime, Shakin' but not stirred??? Hee Hee!

Art C Fart C...........

Geoff, Great Bass Part & Tune Dude!!! "Funk Tomorrow" is a Keeper 5 Stars and Likes!!! Is that you playing the Bass??? In inquiring Minds need to know???
Toodles, Stay Safe!!
The Corey's...........

1 Replies
Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago

Yes that is all live Bass guys! I promise

Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago to Cyndi Corkran

Thanks for the 5 Stars again Cyndi. I must be showing age on this one with my Frank Zappa, Iron Butterfly misspent youth influences.

1 Replies
Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Most welcome Geoff; being a huge Zappa fan, I can relate! Keep on rocking'!

You are the next Ed Sheehan or John Mayer, the lyrics and guitar solo towards the end are epic. Brilliant

Wow what an incredible Album and production. Best I have heard on BJ

Hey There Geoff, your composition, "Audite Venti" is very Cool! It has an Andreas Vollenweider feel to it, one of my favorite New Age composers!!!! Great Job Sir!! 5 Stars & Likes!!
Stay Safe & Wear A Mask!
Let's connect, we will leave the Lights on, come on down!
The Corey's...........

1 Replies
Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago

Thank you so much guys, I am glad you enjoyed it! Stay safe also, a pleasure to connect

Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago to Cyndi Corkran

Hi Cyndi, thanks so much for the 5 Stars for 'Audite venti' best wishes to you, Geoff

1 Replies
Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Beautiful work, Geoff; my pleasure!

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago to Geoff Martin Preston

Hi Geoff! Thanks for the stars on "All My Days"..Happy you like it...Stay safe, Penny

1 Replies
Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago

always look forward to hearing your music and distinctive style, my pleasure Penny

Thanks for the kind review of 'listen to what I say' Steve. Your critic is always valued

Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago to Cyndi Corkran

Thank you so much for the 5 star rating for "Skylighter" Cyndi. Your critic is always valued

1 Replies
Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Loved the atmospheric, world vibe Geoff; great sound! All my pleasure!

Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago to Jay Gross

Thanks for your Kind review of "You dressed My Heart in Blue" Jay

1 Replies
Jay Gross
over 30 days ago

well deserved!

Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago to Cyndi Corkran

Thanks for the 5 star rating for Atlantis Blue Cyndi. Hoping you are staying safe and wishing you a healthy and happy New Year.

1 Replies
Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

"Atlantis Blue"....beautiful Geoff! All my pleasure, and wishing you too, a healthy and happy New Year!

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago to Geoff Martin Preston

Geoff I loved both "Lady Jane Grey" and 'Falling Away"....Very original and beautiful..I could picture both in movie soundtracks among other things. Great work! Penny

1 Replies
Geoff Martin Preston
over 30 days ago

Thank you Penny I am always searching for originality and something to take you somewhere different musically.

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